Cyberium Age in decline                        [Notice of book publication]

The fundamental constituting ‘mindset’ or ethos of the ‘modern’ west is in crisis -- a state of dissolution -- a Crucible opening the way for an upsurge of contending ‘moral’ regimes, particularly the militant wings of various ‘faiths’. These are global strike forces for millions whose faith sees a particular vision of Divinity and whose spokesmen aim to be the moral authority for the whole world, staking a no-holds barred, even violent, claim to ‘soon-coming’ supremacy in the global age of the Millennium. Other globalist ‘faiths’, more subtly, also seek a form of dominion; such as the secularist Christianophobic ideology widespread among ‘intellectuals’; such as the remnants of ancient elites, ‘wise men’ and ‘mages’ of the failed ethos and priesthoods of past ages.

This current period of Crucible crisis in the hegemonic ethos of a great age of global civilization, finally truly as global in scope as in name, is the fourth time this has happened in the past two thousand years. The Christian era began with the crisis of the ruling families of Persio/Cartagino-Hellas, recurred with the tribal cabals of Romo/Europo-Byzantium, and again with the ethno-national regimes of Franko/Arabo-Christendom. This era reversed a two thousand year decline over the four ages of the previous Classical era.

Each crisis is finally resolved absolutely in the light of a flaming Torch of Apocalypse held by a great Luminary of History, women and men who devise and institute the instrumental means to replace the fundamental moré of evil necessity that permeated the failed ethos. In it’s place, they gain constitutional acceptance for a foundational ethos based instead on an Ethic of Freedom, establishing the ‘global’ hegemony of a greater and more widely beneficial age.

The age now in decline, Anglo/Americo-Cyberium, is no different, as will be demonstrated in a book by  Henderson MacDougall to be published later this year by Lumina. This website will be expanded over the coming weeks to provide a Cybrary in support of the substantial demonstration of the astounding claims for the existence of a Code in History made in this series of four volumes.

Advance orders will be taken at for
Crucible and Flame of Apocalypse: the History Code revival of civilization by the great Luminaries.
                        Vol. One – Family and Posterity First Edition; deluxe hardcover; $80.00
a.      Sarah and Abraham   – sanguinarity rejected
b.      Prisca and Paul       – solidarity established  06Oc2